Top 5 Tips To Study For The SAT

education and college concept - tired student with pile of books and notes studying indoors

lev dolgachov

education and college concept – tired student with pile of books and notes studying indoors

Hannah Young

Now that testing season is in full swing, here’s what to remember to maximize your SAT score!

1.  Create a Study Schedule

While it may seem obvious that you have to study, what is more important is studying with consistency! Schedule days and times to study to keep yourself organized. While it may seem tedious, giving yourself time to study is crucial to doing well on your upcoming test. It may be hard, but stick to your schedule. Prioritize your studying to maximize your SAT score. 

 2. Create a Study Environment

Avoid distractions! Create an environment free of distraction so you can get in the zone and get the most out of each session. Pets, siblings, and screens are all big distractions that will take away from your study session. Inform those around you that you are studying, and would like to be left alone. Set yourself up for success by making a safe space to reach your potential. 

3. Find Your Weak Points

Don’t be embarrassed to struggle in one area! Acknowledge your weaknesses and commit time to improving. If you spend all your time focusing on what you’re good at, you will be unprepared on test day. Don’t get discouraged! With time and effort you will improve, and have a better chance at improving your overall score on test day!

4. Build Stamina

Remember the SAT is a three and a half hour test! You will get tired, and this will hurt your focus during the exam. Make sure to practice taking full length tests so that you become adjusted to the pace you must go during the test, and so that you can build the stamina necessary to complete the entire test. Build your stamina up slowly over time, don’t expect to be able to take the entire test the first time you try. Go section by section and slowly build up to taking the entire test!

5. Take Breaks

While it is important to study hard for your exams, make sure to give yourself a break! You cannot retain information if you study 24/7, give yourself the time to process what you’ve studied. Remember to have life outside of studying for the SAT, go out with friends, exercise, and take care of yourself. Remember the SAT does not define who you are, and remember that your mental and physical health shoulda always come first!