5 Ways to get Biotech Hours!

Emily Dubon

Most of the population here at OP is in the biotechnology program, including myself. The main struggle that we all have in common is how are we going to get these 100 biotech hours in by the end of senior year. Well no time to stress your biotech hour guide is here to help! Before I begin the guide, lets make sure you know how to log in your hours.

First go onto the OPHS website and click on the Our School tab!

Next, you’ll hit the Specialty Programs tab.

From there you choose Biotech and scroll down on the page.

On this page you click on the office form to fill out your hours. On this same page you can check out how many hours you have accumulated and ay questions you have about requirements.

Now that we have that out of the way, time to get started!


1.   Key Club

Out of the 100 hours that you have to complete as a member of the program 20 of those have to be community service hours. Key club is a perfect, easy, and fun way to get them! Every meeting counts as an hour and they happen twice a month. In key club you make crafts and they get sent to people in need as a cheer up! Key club meets in the cafeteria, and they welcome anyone who wants to join. Keep in mind that for your hours to count you have to join the club and they have a due of $20.

2.   Aerospace Club

The Aerospace Club is a perfect way to get those 80 hours of biotech! The clubs main focus is on workshops and research related to airspace travel. The club meets in room 3112 and their sponsor is Jeanette Morin.

3.   Biotech Club

Biotech Club is the absolute perfect way for you to get your biotech hours and in fact is the main focus of the club. The club activities include allowing students the opportunity to learn more about fields in STEM, and complete science inquiry activities, like experiments. The meetings are held in Mr. Burda’s room (3072) every other Thursday.  Please keep in mind that this club has a due of $20.

4.   Reading!

Reading a book related to any STEM subject counts as biotech hours! A book counts up to 10 hours and there’s so many you could choose from at our school library! Our school has many different selections to choose from in the STEM field and our wonderful librarians would be happy to give out recommendations. The library also has a online catalog that is accessible to anyone.

5.   Podcast Listening

Podcasts are all the rave nowadays and they count as Biotech hours if they are related to STEM! It’s also a easy way to be able to get hours while being able to do something else! There is a student made podcast right from our very own OPHS called LRN-STEM. They have over 40 episodes and it can be found wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Who knows you could find a new topic you’re interested while listening!