How to Help Mental Health with End-of-Year Testing

How to Help Mental Health with End-of-Year Testing

Carah Payne

With testing right around the corner, our mental health can decline because of how stressed we are. SAT’s, SOL’s, AP exams, and Finals are all stressful to study for, and having to finish the work for the class as well as study is hard. Our mental health can rapidly decline as we start to pull all-nighters to study and lack of sleep can lead to lack of attention. When we get stressed, we often can get depressed which can lead to lack of sleep to too much sleep, bad eating habits, lack of interests in which you used to have fun with. With these symptoms, you can fall behind in class, get distracted, sleep in class, and have grades drop. Some ways to help with your mental health and upcoming testing can be shown below

1. Scheduling 

Scheduling can help with making sure you aren’t overworking yourself in a certain period of time. With a schedule, you can get sleep, have time to eat and do work for any extracurriculars. Have a planner on you and write in your plan for the day. Have days where you take a break from studying and doing school work. Give yourself a brain break for a day or two. 

2. Timer

There are videos on youtube or even google that give you 25 minutes to work and then a 5 minute break. Just search Pomodoro, and it will give you videos with 25 minutes to work and a 5 minute break. There are even websites that give you a timer to work with. With a study time and a break this will let your mind rest before over working. 

3. Healthy Snacks 

Healthy snacks give you energy and motivation to do your studying and work. Almonds, cheese, ect. There are many snacks that can give you energy, water is also good to drink with these snacks. Water is recommended, or even juices and vitamin waters that can give you different health benefits which can make your energy more efficient. When studying and doing work, it’s a good thing to keep your mind focused on the food rather than stressing over the work. 

4. Plenty of Sleep

Make sure to get plenty of sleep when it comes to school days and days you don’t have school. This also gives you energy to ensure you can make it through the day. It is recommended that you get at least 8 hours of sleep, that ensures that you can make it through the day with school and studying. When you get sleep you can focus more and get less distracted. 


Use these tips as you get closer to end of year testing. This also includes having better mental health. And if you are struggling more than just having bad mental health because of studying and upcoming tests, do not be afraid to reach out for help. Goodluck with studying and testing!